Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Birthday to my three favorite ladies!!!

April has been dubbed "birthday month" in the Hill household and for a good reason. Today is my Mom's birthday followed by both of my sisters' birthdays tomorrow and my cousin and grandma on Wednesday. It's a little bit of madness, but mostly super fun!

This year Tarah (not so discretely) hinted that she wanted wine charms and Tay hinted in a similar way that she wanted something made with my "mustard" colored yarn.

So here we have it: Wine and Mustard!

I ended up getting all of the different little pieces and making the wine charms. It was way more fun than buying them and they got to be a little more personalized. Tay and I got some plastic wine glasses and margarita glasses for Tarah's backyard parties :) The mustard request turned into an "infinity" scarf. It is basically just a long loop of yarn that you wrap around a few times. I love it and wish it was mine...

Anyways, a very happy birthday to all of my April birthday loved ones. You are all wonderful, beautiful people and I am so incredibly grateful for you in my life!

simplejoys of the day: wrapping presents, celebrating family, chocolate volcano cake and good food :)

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